I live in Portland, Oregon USA with my beautiful wife, 5 great kids, and many pets. Enough about me……. let’s talk about you.
Anyway, I take too many pictures and do not post enough of them for the world to see. Hopefully this blog will force me to do that – and to become a better writer.
I split my photography between film and digital – although the film work ends up scanned and becoming “digital” in the end. I am currently in the process of re-working my previous attempt at organizing and cataloging all my slides and negatives. They are all in chronological order now, yet I want to number all the years of prints that are in various photo albums so the originals can easily be found. No more multi-colored, falling apart, mismatched albums – every print is going into archival boxes.
You can see some of my work (remember, I do not put a lot up on the web – and it is not presented in a professional way) on
flickr, photo.net, and rangefinderforum. My more polished stuff can be seen at zenfolio and Chadney Photography.